Capella group Sonata Problem to perform last concert of the school year


Thursday May 28, North Central College’s only a Capella group, Sonata Problem, will be performing their last concert of the school year. The concert will be held in Meiley Swallow, located on 31 Ellsworth Street and admission for the concert is free.

Sonata Problem started a few short years ago by some of the groups’ seniors.

“Some of us living in Geiger went to Wentz and were tossing around ideas. We were all involved in the music programs in High School but as a college freshmen our options were limited” says Sonata Problem senior, Sean Markham. “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could come in here (Wentz) and perform our own music?” Says another Sonata Problem senior, Eve Bowman.

Eventually, they decided that they were going to make it happen. And thus, Sonata Problem was born.

For their concert on the 28th, they will be singing a variety of songs. Some of which are songs that they have been practicing since the group began. Some of the songs for the concert include, Bottom of the River by Delta Range, “Little Cups” (a mashup of Little Talks to the music of the song Cups.), These Are the Lies, and tons more. The concert will include many different genres, styles, and languages.

“My favorite song of the concert would have to be The Cab, which was arranged in the fall”, says Alexis Gramera. “The song is Electronic, which is so different than anything we’ve done before.”

Another favorite of the concert was Near My God to Be. “It’s different than what we usually do and the harmony is really good”, says Markham.

For some, Sonata Problem is appreciated because it is more than just a group. “My favorite part of the Sonata Problem is the performances and the community we created” says Bowman. “It was created from the ground up. We’ve all become close friends and our own little family and our own legacy. It will be interesting to see what happens after we leave and how they continue this in the future”.

For others, Sonata Problem brings a multitude of different students together

“Everyone brings something. Not everyone [in the group]is a music major or can write music. Our desire to be there keeps us grounded. It’s not required”

For more information, follow Sonata Problem on twitter @SonataProblem, or contact Mark Miller at


About Author

Emma Spoo is a Contributing Writer for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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