There’s a new social club at NCC: a very annoying one


Actually it’s not exactly new, and to be honest it’s not supposed to be a social club either. What I’m talking about are the computer labs here at NCC. Now, I hate to complain about NCC, they get so many things right and I love it here; but one thing that upsets me is the state of the computer labs on campus.

Yes we get 24 hour access, yes the computers are up to date on the latest software, and yes I can have a dependable machine that won’t fail me in my darkest hour (most of the time).

But something needs to be done about people being completely inconsiderate of those surrounding them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been working quietly in the lab when suddenly the girls next to me decide that right here and now is the time to loudly discuss how they’re going to accomplish their project and then party on the weekend.

It’s not even talking all the time; in Miley-Swallow alone I have seen and heard people:

  • -order a pizza to the lab
  • commandeer the projector to play a movie in a full lab
  • loudly and explicitly talk about their sex lives
  • and a few others I probably should not go into detail about

So please, as a student, be considerate of those around you and keep quiet. It’s one thing to meet up for a project, it’s a complete other to hold everyone hostage to your diatribe about how your professor sucks because you have to have your art piece done by 11:59 p.m., even though you’ve had three weeks to do it.


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