The science behind nailing an interview


Applying for internships and jobs is not an easy task; let alone going through the required interview.

If you’re a college student waiting to hear back from the internships or jobs you applied for or you’re reading the, “Thank you for your interest,” letter, you start beating yourself up for not getting the offer and instead of trying again, you start doubting. You question yourself: “How is he/she better than me? What do they have that I don’t? Did he/she get lucky?”

In order to nail an interview, one must understand the science behind an interview.

Getting a job correlates to how your brain works. According to a study done by the Institute of Heartmath, our DNA alters with the thoughts we are consistently having. One reason why some people “always get the job” is because they have understood what is called the “art of changing the thoughts,” which teaches us how to develop our intellect and how we present ourselves in interviews.

Naiana Miranda, of The Bar, said that the more you practice the better you get. Miranda also explained that not many people understand what is going on in the brain during an interview process.

“Brain plasticity– also known as neuroplasticity, is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself for forming new neural connections,” said Miranda. “It is changing and adapting moment by moment everyday by how we direct our thinking.”

In order to nail internship and job interviews, it is critical to understand how the interview process works. By doing so, one should learn how to master their thoughts when being interviewed. According to Miranda, there are three main factors that should be considered by interviewees prior to their interviews. 

  1. Set your full intention:

Ask yourself this question: what is the purpose for going to the interview? The obvious answer to that is you want the job. However, the more you understand why you want the job, you are more likely to act on it. Moreover, you will gain more determination to making sure that you get the job that you want.

In terms of neuroplasticity, Miranda believes that when your intent is clear, your brain starts firing signals, sending out the message of what your intent is. In addition, our thoughts and intentions can alter the structure and the way our brains function.

  1. Focus on what you want:

The second step is focusing your attention to making it happen, which is landing the internship/job you applied for. According to Miranda, imagine yourself acting with self-confidence and certainty that you will end up getting the position you applied for.

In the sense of neuroplasticity, the more you focus on the possibility of getting the position, the more confidence you will gain. Your neurons will head in that direction because you’re focusing on the positivity and not on the fear of why you wouldn’t get the position.

  1. Take action:

Now that you have focused on what you truly want, it’s time for you to take action. When you make a choice for your first move, focus your energy and attention correctly. When you focus on the actions, your brain and body physically change.

“The more you practice the behaviors you wish to have, the more neurons work together in order to make that thought a reality,” said Miranda. “neurons work synergistically– this means that the more pathways that are activated, the faster your brain is rewired.”


About Author

Stella Marie Go Fanega is a Contributing Writer for the Chronicle/NCCLinked.

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