Nine ways to refresh your life for spring

  1. Change up your routineThe best thing you could do to refresh your life for spring is to change up your routine. Doing the same thing every day can get dull and awful, so switch it up. Go find a cozy corner of the Science Center to make your new hangout. Try a new restaurant that you’ve been eyeing instead of always going to Kaufman. It’s important to break the monotony of daily life and keep things interesting for you and everyone around you.
  2. Be socialAre you tired of not knowing anyone in your classes? How about always eating lunch with the same four people? Branching out and meeting new people is almost always rewarding. Who knows, you could meet a new friend or simply find someone to walk to class with every day. Talking to people is simple, but it can make a huge difference in your attitude toward the day. 
  3. Enjoy the weather: A great thing about spring is the warm weather, so why not go out and enjoy it? If you’re not one to go for a run, why not go for a walk? If you’re not one to go outside, at least open the window and let a little breeze in while you pretend you’re outside. A little fresh air can do a world of good for your mood and productivity. Take an example from the students with hammocks: you will enjoy homework a little bit more if it’s done outside of the confines of your dreary dorm room. 
  4. Switch up your lookGetting a simple haircut or dye-job can make you feel like a new person. Swapping out your monochrome assortment of sweaters for some colorful T-shirts and maybe even a sundress can get you ready for the warm weather. Being surrounded by bright colors can heighten your mood and leave you feeling refreshed.
  5. Eat healthyAre you tired of eating Kaufman or the Cage or Freshens every day? The food here can be a bit boring and dreary, so why not make a conscious effort to eat something a little healthier? Eating healthier, even if you’re not dieting, can make you feel better and more willing to take on the day.
  6. Exercise a littleWas your New Year’s resolution to exercise and lose weight? Did it die before Jan. 2? Spring is the time to revitalize those goals, even if it’s just playing in an intramural basketball game once in a while. It’s important to get up and be active in order to stop feeling like a couch potato (as you probably have all winter) and get your blood flowing again, even if you’re not lifting weights or
    running a 5k. 
  7. Make a new playlistWhether you are jamming out with your windows down or with your headphones in, the music you’re listening to can affect your mood. Although you can add some happier and more upbeat music, simply updating the songs in your playlist can help relieve the dullness. Listening to the same songs over and over again can get boring; give your music a makeover. Check out a fresh spring playlist on our Spotify.
  8. Clean up your dormIt’s cliché, but spring is the perfect time for cleaning. Whether you’re cleaning out 
    your closet or just making it so you can finally see your floor, cleaning out some of your crap can make room for all the stuff you’re going to splurge on this season. There are a lot of thrift stores around the Naperville area that would love any donations you might make. If you don’t feel like cleaning, you at least could try organizing some of the mess that’s bound to be burdening your shelves.
  9. Splurge occasionallyAs often as people tell you to spend wisely and save your money, sometimes you just have to splurge. If you’ve wanted a new T-shirt or have been eyeing that fancy camera, spring is a great time to make that move and spend. Remember to be careful and only spend what you have, but sometimes it’s not a bad thing to treat yourself.

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