Hidden campus secrets you need to know


Franco Neri
Contributing Writer

OK students, what if I told you that no matter how much time you’ve spent on campus, you’re not taking full advantage of what the school has to offer?

For real though, you’re missing out on some really cool things!

1. Wireless printing

What happens when you have to print something? Do you take a trip to Carnegie or the library or a place with a printer and login to one of the computers? What happens if all of the computers are being used?

Or what happens if the computers aren’t working? (I’m sure we all could relate to at least one experience) Well believe it or not, you can print directly from your laptop to any printer on campus. It’s called iPrint. Cool, right?

Every student has 375 print credits each term. A one page, single or double sided, black and white page uses one (1) print credit. While a one page, single or double sided, color page uses five (5) print credits.

Simply go to http://its.noctrl.edu/printing/installing-iprint for directions on how to install iPrint to your laptop! Say goodbye to waiting for someone to get off a computer. Install iPrint today!

2. Peanut Butter and Jelly

This really isn’t something you’re missing out on, but definitely something that comes to the rescue when Kaufman breakfast, lunch, or dinner isn’t suiting you’re lifestyle.

When nothing is looking appealing to eat at Kaufman, just simply make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (sorry to those with peanut allergies!)

3. ManageMyID

Did you know that you could add Flex Dollars to your ID from online? Or did you know that you could check every time your ID was used to get food? Simply go to https://ncc.managemyid.com to check these things out!

4. Reset your Password

I can vouch for this when I say changing your email password every 120 days is a hassle. But what happens when you’ve procrastinated to long and your password has expired?

With an expired password, you can’t login to your email, go on the wireless internet, or print! But what do you do to get your password changed? Mostly, students go to ITS (Information Technology Services) over in Carnegie and have them reset their password for them. But what if you could go to a website and reset it yourself? You may be asking yourself, “How can I go to a website if my password is expired Franco?”

You have two options, if you have a smartphone (who doesn’t now a days) go to the website from there, or ask your friend to use their laptop. Simply go to http://its.noctrl.edu/accounts-passwords/reset-password to reset your password.

5. Login to your network drives from off campus

Did you know about the K drive? It’s used by teachers and students on campus from school computers. But how do you access the K drive from off campus or simply from your laptop?

You have two options, go to drives.noctrl.edu and use your NCC login info to login, or connect your laptop to the K drive directly. This is called a network folder. This is a bit more on the tech side, but it is very simple.

Mac users: Go to Finder, and on the top, click GO. Then click “Connect to Server,” A box will pop up asking you to enter in a “Server Address.” Type in “smb://oesfs02.nccnet.noctrl.edu/COURSEFILES” (no quotes). A box will eventually pop up asking you to login. You must click “Registered User” and type in your NCC login information. And there you have it!

Windows 8: Go to the Start Menu and begin to type “This,” you will see “This PC” appear, click it. On the top of the window that opens, click “Computer.” Now click “Add a network location.”

Click “Next” twice. Type in \\OESFS02\COURSEFILES. Click “Next.” Now give the folder a name, and click “Next” (I would recommend calling it “K DRIVE”). Now click “Finish.”

Windows 7: Go to the Start Menu and click “Computer.” Right click anywhere in that window, and you should see “Add a network location,” click it. Click “Next” twice. Type in \\OESFS02\COURSEFILES. Click “Next.” Now give the folder a name, and click “Next” (I would recommend calling it “K DRIVE”). Now click “Finish”.

6. Free Anti-Virus Software

Do I need explaining? Go to http://its.noctrl.edu/anti-virus and on the left hand side will be a link to your appropriate operating system (Windows and Mac).


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