Flu fight: Autumn’s most intense virus


Jordan Bolker
Staff Writer

Once you feel the symptoms, nothing can take the look of dread off your face as it slowly turns pale and sickly. Vomiting, fever, headaches, coughing and chills are only a few signs that verify that the flu has creeped onto the North Central College campus. Almost instantly, you become bedridden and a little part of you feels like you’re dying. In order to prevent the flu, it’s important to know what exactly the flu is and how to take care of yourself if you do end up coming down with it.

How do you know if you have the flu or if it’s just the common cold?

The flu, also known as influenza, is generally worse than the general common cold. Although some cases of the flu and the common cold may result in similar symptoms, most signs of a cold are runny, stuffy noses and coughing. With the flu, the symptoms are much more intense, consisting of a high fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, and tiredness with body aches. The flu can also last as little as 24 hours, while a cold can last several days or weeks.

How do I get rid of the flu?

Unfortunately, the flu is not a disease you can get rid of right away. It is a strong virus that has to go away on it’s own. However, there are many ways to treat it so that the effects are less intense on your body. Influenza commonly makes you dehydrated so it’s important to drink plenty of liquids. Pedialyte is full of electrolytes that are lost through vomiting and diarrhea, so it is frequently suggested to take for the flu. This medicine is often found in the baby aisles in most drug and retail stores like Walgreens and Target. When drinking Pedialyte, along with substitute drinks like water or Gatorade, always drink small sips to avoid throwing it up immediately and letting the dehydration continue. The “BRAT” diet is also a recommendation to try until the virus leaves your body. “BRAT” abbreviates to bananas, rice, applesauce and toast, otherwise referring to foods that are easy to digest when you have the flu. Saltine crackers and soup are also good nutrition help your symptoms. In order to further fight off the disease, try chewing food in slow bites and drinking a lot of fluids.

What else can I do to prevent or treat the flu?

If you do end up coming down with the flu, the most important thing is to get plenty of rest. Flu viruses can be so intense that it exhausts your body. By sleeping it off, it can decrease your fever temperature and the frequent vomiting in your body. Keeping a cool cloth on your forehead can also reduce your fever. If you experience chills, cover yourself up with multiple layers of blankets to calm the intensity of your shaking.

To prevent your body from having to fight the flu, make an appointment with the Dyson Wellness Center to get the flu vaccine as soon as possible. Also, always make sure to wash your hands frequently and avoid contact with those who are coughing, have a stuffy or runny nose or show other infectious signs.

Information provided by www.flu.gov and www.cardinalnet.northcentralcollege.edu/student-life/dyson-wellness-center


About Author

Jordan Bolker is the current Forum/Opinion Editor of the Chronicle/NCClinked. She is a junior at North Central College. She is a journalism major and is hoping to become an investigative journalist.

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