How to make your own Stanley Cup


Jordan Bolker
Staff Writer

Many hockey fans expressed their creativeness by creating their own version of a Stanley Cup after the Chicago Blackhawks dominated the 2013 championship.

It’s even more unique seeing how the hockey players themselves use the Stanley Cup when they bring it back to their hometown to celebrate. Some have used it as a bowl to serve ice cream or champagne. Others have taken it out on their speedboats through their hometown’s lakes. Now, it can be your turn to celebrate you and your family’s love for hockey by creating your very own Stanley Cup and adding it to your collection of hockey décor.

What you’ll need for this project is: an empty 5-gallon water jug; an empty 5-gallon ice cream bucket, without the lid, which you can find at Meijer or any grocery store; two small and medium-sized containers used for cream cheese, without the lids; and a large, plastic party bowl to top it off.

Other items required to put it all together are: super glue; a drill; approximately ten nuts; ten washers; one bolt that is large enough to stick through the middle of all the layers; and a couple bottles of Krylon silver spray paint.

Drill a hole into the middle of the plastic cream cheese and ice cream containers as well as the party bowl. Stick the bolt through the middle of each layer so that it looks like one piece and tighten a nut around the top of the bolt so that it keeps all the layers together firmly.

Flip it over so that the bottom of the ice cream container is facing you. Take a bottle of super glue and squeeze glue on the edges of the container. Cover the glued edges over the top of the water jug. Then screw down each side of the ice cream container into the water jug with the drill and nuts for extra security.

Now that you have your Stanley Cup assembled, it’s time to spray paint it. Spray just one layer around the Cup and let it dry before doing another layer. After spraying a couple layers and getting the color to be the way you want it, your Stanley Cup is all finished and you’re ready to celebrate.


About Author

Jordan Bolker is the current Forum/Opinion Editor of the Chronicle/NCClinked. She is a junior at North Central College. She is a journalism major and is hoping to become an investigative journalist.

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