Let’s give a f*** about the science of swearing


Swearing has become a part of almost everyone’s vocabulary. We do it when we’re happy, sad or angry. It has both positive and negative connotations.

However, have you ever sat down and thought about the science behind swearing? What provokes us and are there any benefits to having the mouth of a sailor? Science says there are, in fact, positives to swearing.

I grew up in an Irish/Italian household, so I am well-versed in the art of swearing. Never once have I thought about the context of swearing until now.

So where does this urge to swear come from? “Swearing is actually controlled by the limbic system, the part of the brain involved with processing emotions,” said John Bonazzo, a writer for Observer. There is actually a part of the brain that provokes you to swear. Swearing helps us convey emotions. It lets us say what we’re really feeling, and isn’t that what we should be doing anyway?

Interesting enough, The Independent states, “there are many hidden benefits to swearing, which can be used to express emotion, as a tool for persuasion, as a means of coping with pain, as a way of identifying dementia and, believe it or not, to be polite.”

Swearing has proven to be more than just vulgar language your grandmother shakes her head at. It is actually healthy to let a swear word slip every once in a while. So the next time your grandma scolds you for your mouth, just tell her swearing is healthy.

We swear to convey our messages; it’s an effective tool of communication.“Expletives have become an undeniable part of how we create camaraderie, defiance and identify with others. Its emotional usefulness in relieving pain has allowed taboo speech to weave itself into our every day,” said Samantha Olson of Medical Daily.

Yes, we can actually use swearing as a way to bond with our friends. I’m sure you’ve cussed with your friends about that person who cheated on you or whatever the situation may be. It’s a part of everyday vocabulary, and it does not mean someone lacks class or education. Merely, it means we are humans.

Swearing, much like not swearing, is simply one of many forms of communication. Let’s face it, we all swear every once in a while. It does not make you a bad person if you slip a four-letter word every once in a while.

Just know that swearing is not appropriate in every situation. For example, it may not be beneficial to swear in front of a boss or professor. Swear at your own risk.


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