With the countless hurricanes, earthquakes and fires destroying different parts of the country and the globe, people are focusing now more than ever on the effects of climate change and sustainability. The Global Center for Education is focusing on this for their three-year series, “Sustaining the Globe.”
The series begins tomorrow night at 7 p.m. with a showing of “Trashed,” a documentary film discussing environmental pollution. There are sustainable solutions proposed at the end of the film to help viewers think about how they can be more sustainable in their everyday lives. The showing will take place in Smith Hall in Old Main.
Also, the Center for Global Education will also be hosting their annual Oxfam Hunger Banquet on October 23. This simulation will educate students about the inequalities of food distribution and availability throughout the world. An identity assignment will determine participants’ income level and therefore their meal for the evening. This event, located on the second floor of WAC, will end with a film and discussion on the problems plastic water bottles pose to the environment.
Jonathan Pereria, executive director of The Plant Chicago, a non-profit food production space, will be visiting the College on November 1 from 7-9 p.m. He’ll be talking more in-depth about The Plant and how they allow businesses to power themselves with their own waste. Furthermore, this event goes hand-in-hand with a field trip to The Plant Chicago on November 4 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. This counts as a Verandah, so here’s your opportunity to get credits and learn about sustainability in Chicagoland. Students can contact Professor Shindler, jhshindler@noctrl.edu, if they’re interested and would like to sign up.
Finally, the ending event of the fall term series is the annual International Roundtable Lunch. This event will take place in Ratio Hall from noon to 2 p.m. Students get the opportunity to listen to international students speak on sustainability in their own countries. There will also be a free buffet for students. The Center for Global Education asks non-student attendees to give a $5 donation for incoming and outgoing student scholarships.

A full list of this term’s events. | Courtesy of the Center for Global Education
For more information on these events, please contact the Center for Global Education.