On Jan. 18 in Smith Hall, members of Mosaic brought together students from various political stances to discuss the political spectrum one year after Trump’s inauguration. The One Year Later panel, consisting of students from the Republican Party, Democratic Party and Moderate Party, banded together to talk Trump’s Twitter presence, the difference of talking politics outside of America and how this era will affect the next generation.
One thing that Andrea Heiden, president of the College Democrats, pointed out was that the Trump era has polarized the separation between the parties. Grant Tuider, a member of the College Republicans, said that, in regards to Trump’s rhetoric, he needs to “cool his jets.”
It’s no secret that Trump is quite lively and active on his Twitter account. Oftentimes, it proves to not be a positive thing for his presidency. As Achref Azzabi, an exchange student from Tunisia, said, “Presidents aren’t supposed to act in urges in typing something angry on your phone.”
The other panelists agreed that his Twitter does provide a sense of entertainment, but in the long run, it can be a negative aspect. Some added that his reality TV star persona and political persona can be hard to separate.
Azzabi, admits that his family was hesitant to let him come to America after he received a scholarship to attend North Central. They were worried about how Trump’s presidency would effect Azzabi. However, as he began his time in America, he knew there was more to America than what Trump says.
Upasna Barath says that while she was studying abroad in France last term, she found it easier to be more objective while talking politics than it is back home in America.
Carly Dagen adds that both sides need to interact with one another and hear each other out.
Tuider quips, “it’s hard to let go of what we think is true.”
As the panel came to a close, the panelists reflected on what is to come for future generations after Trump’s presidency. “We’re going to be inspired by the older generation. It’s going to inspire us,” Azzabi says in regards to division of our generations. “It’s healthy to be different!”
- Photo by Annika Bushman
- Photo by Annika Bushman
- Photo by Annika Bushman
- Photo by Annika Bushman