I think you’re mistaken, let me mansplain this to you


Have you ever had an opinion on a topic, but you weren’t able to express your thoughts because a male who felt they were more knowledgeable on the topic continued to talk over you? If you have then you’ve experienced “mansplaining” in a way.

Today, you hear about women’s marches, the Me Too movement and protests against the current government. All of these events are connected by one thing: feminism. Feminism is “the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes,” as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Feminism and situations women face in their day-to-day lives connect people from all different backgrounds and unite them. One instance that can connect some females is the occurrence of mansplaining. The word mansplaining stems from the article “Men explain things to me” by Rebecca Solnit.

Solnit wrote, “Young women subsequently added the word ‘mansplaining’ to the lexicon. Though I hasten to add that, the essay makes it clear mansplaining is not a universal flaw of the gender, just the intersection between overconfidence and cluelessness where some portion of that gender gets stuck.”

The assumption that feminism and mansplaining are an attack against the male gender is often made, but Solnit challenges that thought process in her article. The feminist movement is viewed in different ways by those who are in support of or are against the movement.

Is our society men versus women? When people hear “feminism,” the word “anti-men” comes to mind. The negative connotation that follows the word feminism is often questioned when the word comes up in conversation.

Shimer Professor Ann Dolinko described how in her classes she views feminism as including both men and women, that it isn’t one group in particular. Dolinko explained how it isn’t what a man can do for a woman but instead focuses on how a man can start changing and working on himself.

The perspective that men are the head of the household and women are home keepers was at one point the “American Dream.” However, over time that dream has changed. In today’s society, there are more men staying at home while women are taking on more significant roles in the workforce.

Dolinko explained the stereotypical ideologies that are associated with feminism and masculinity. The idea that a man is not allowed to be gentle and caring holds back our progressiveness. Feminism is a way to successfully challenge patriarchy and sexual assault.

Constantly challenging the ideas behind our stereotypical concepts of men and women has changed the conversation that people have experienced moving forward.

Adjunct Theater Professor Julane Sullivan has noticed changes within the past couple of decades. “Owning my own business, I don’t feel like I am talked down to or over by people as much anymore but 25 years ago it was a
different story. My vendors used to ask me ‘Is your husband around,’ or they would try to explain different parts of the business aspect to me because I own a costume shop they thought I was only good with the costumes

and makeup,” Sullivan said.

The idea that a woman doesn’t know how to run her own business is something that many women have faced and struggled with. This relates back to the original idea of what a woman was supposed to do when the American Dream first started. Having to push those boundaries and stereotypes is something many men and women have had to face.

The idea that feminism will end once women have equal pay and equal rights doesn’t include the overall vision of feminism. Dolinko described how feminism covers more than just equal pay — it relates to the overall treatment of everyone.

“I think patriarchy is very connected with treating our planet with disdain and we often call her mother nature and what do we do, we abuse her, we rape her, we pillage her and I think it’s a similar way that we treat each other,” Dolinko concludes.

The feminist movement comes across as intimidating and excluding men from the overall picture. That image can be intimidating and twist what the main purpose of the movement truly is.

Taking strides toward a more progressive time where women and men can be accepted for who they are is a topic that is consistently talked about. With our current political atmosphere, some fear those steps taken

forward might start to go backward.

“Without a doubt, things can be headed back to how they were. I see that at my shop, with how people are treated in particular how some of my younger employees are treated because they are mostly female. I think in our current political atmosphere women are having to take this sort of back seat and I find that very frightening,” Sullivan said.

The fear of women being forced to take a back seat and having their voices silenced is a current hot topic. The silence of knowledge, of opinions and of the beliefs of women is where the conflict with mansplaining comes from.

“It’s 2018 and it’s time for power, baby. It’s time for female,” said Sullivan.

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1 Comment

  1. Jody Boyle-Chiappalone on

    I think that women have come a long way but there are still issues that are held against them. Women alwsys get criticized for taking time off for having a child or taking care of their families but that is having two jobs. They are never recognized for having a family and a career. Not saying that men don’t get involved with their families but the majority of home “jobs” are taken care of by women. I think it’s fine that there are some jobs that are male oriented or female oriented there are different strengths in each one but whether male or female you should have your voices heard.