A Nix for Your Niche | A look into the teapot

The ‘tea’ on tea

Most people, when asked to consider ‘morning’ drinks, may immediately think about coffee. While that is a perfectly fair answer, oftentimes coffee’s less-appreciated cousin gets forgotten. In this debut episode of “A Nix for Your Niche,” we deep dive into the world of tea.

Joined by Chloe Kallberg, ’24, and Professor Sohinee Roy, we go on a journey through time. We explore the beginnings of tea and its incredible evolution. Originating in the misty mountains of ancient China and spreading to the bustling tea markets of 17th-century Europe, this podcast touches upon the roots of tea and its journey across continents.

From its history of imperialism, to how one properly brews green tea, there is so much more to learn about this incredible beverage. This episode only scratches the surface of all these topics.

We also discuss tea in relation to the present. Kallberg and Roy touch on different types of tea, the proper ways to make them and the ritual to the process. This includes the secrets on how to achieve that Goldilocks zone—not too short, not too long, but just right.

There is a lot to unpack in terms of the world of tea. Words can only explain a fraction of all this episode has to offer. So, sit back, relax and maybe pull out your favorite mug to enjoy some tea while talking about tea!



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