Introducing: The Office of Student Engagement and Belonging


College affects everyone differently, and NCC’s Office of Student Engagement and Belonging (OSEB) is here to assist. Before Fall 2024, this organization was once known individually as the Office of Student Involvement and Multicultural Affairs. Even after the merge, it is the same place with the same mission.

What is the OSEB?

According to their page on the NCC website, the OSEB “[S]upports the success and achievement of students from underrepresented backgrounds. Furthermore, it is our vision to educate and inspire the North Central College community to discover and experience the value of cultivating cross-cultural interpersonal relationships.”

There are various staff members among the organization, giving students access to a multitude of services. A distinct characteristic about the OSEB is that they are led by NCC’s very own students.

“I provide office hours to meet with my peers to give cultural education,” said Erinn Karis, ‘26, who is a Multicultural Peer Educator at the OSEB. “It can be intimidating to meet with an authority figure, so I’m here to have peer-to-peer conversations to learn about different cultures and/or receive support in a more relaxed setting.”

Importance of the OSEB

An increasing number of community members are becoming familiar with the OSEB. One of them includes Abby Stantesly, ‘26, who sees the benefit of speaking to a peer.

“I think that students who are in need of support could find it easier to talk to other students instead of just a worker,” Stantesly, ‘26, said. “I feel like student workers are more helpful that way.”

In addition, the OSEB focuses on pushing for an environment where judgment is put to the side and understanding is advocated.

“We are at a predominantly white institution (PWI), and our department provides a space for all students to belong,” said Karis, ‘26. “As a white student, I value the space our department gives me to educate myself about different cultures, internalized biases, and intersectionality. Because of this, my fellow peer educators and I can take what we learn to educate the larger campus community.”

Inclusivity efforts at NCC

Yet, the OSEB is not the only organization at NCC that strives to empower students. The athletics department developed the Inclusion Team which, “[I]s a group made up of athletic-minded staff members and student-athletes that serves as the foundation of the Cardinals’ athletics diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative at North Central College.”

These various inclusivity efforts across campus can bring students closer together. A survey conducted in 2023 by the American College Health Association revealed that 43.6% of students feel isolated from others “some of the time.” However, another 22.8% said they “often” feel isolated from others. The goals of the IT and OSEB is to create a welcoming community and lift students up.

Initiatives such as the ACI Peer Mentor Program and the Premier Scholars Program reflect the OSEB’s mission. These aid first-generation students and those from underrepresented backgrounds to have a successful college career.

The OSEB’s outlook

“We Belong NC” is this year’s slogan for the OSEB. To carry out this mission, their doors will be open with eager staff waiting to meet new faces. Everyone is encouraged to stop by the office to chat, learn or acquaint themselves with their peers.

“I want students to know that we are here to support them, and that the MPEs want students to come visit us!” Karis, ‘26, said. “There is no shame in not knowing something, or just wanting someone to talk to. We are always thrilled when our fellow students come to see us.”

Students can drop by the OSEB located in upper WAC to receive support. For updates on future events hosted by the organization, check out their social media pages.


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