Joe Norton: His path to ongoing success


Joseph Norton has been the head coach of the women’s wrestling program at NCC since 2018. Since the beginning of his takeover, Norton has accumulated many awards individually and with his team’s help.

Despite challenges and setbacks, Joe Norton has been a pillar in growing women’s wrestling in the Midwest. The North Central women’s wrestling program would not be the same without him.

Past successes 

Norton was the proud winner of the NWCA National Coach of the Year in 2024 as well as NWCA Women’s Coach of the National Tournament in both 2022 and 2023. His passion for winning, success and creating memories for his wrestlers is what brought these victories to him. 

Norton has set his sights on a repeat performance since his team’s last national title win in the 2022-2023 season. Norton’s main strategy combines strong recruiting classes and top-notch decision-making skills.

Norton’s ability to understand what skills he needs to hone to grow the tool belt of abilities each of his wrestlers has makes him a highly sought-after coach. He spends countless hours watching wresting matches, wrestling three to four times a day, and developing the underclassmen so they can fill the spaces graduating teammates leave. Norton also uses these tools to help the women on his team accomplish their goals throughout the season.

This year’s vision is no different. Norton told Flowrestling that he plans to overcome the Iowa Hawkeyes’ challenge using simple traditional tactics.

“A full-time unwavering commitment to athletes,” said Norton. 

He spends every waking moment thinking, preparing and game planning not only for the 2025 national tournament but for all the twists and turns the months leading up to the event may bring. No matter the challenge Norton always has a solution, nobody else can claim that level of expertise. 

Norton runs a tight ship at NCC. Part of his formula for success includes winning academic accolades both individually and as a team. In 2022 and 2023, NCC Women’s Wrestling was awarded back-to-back NWCA Scholar Team Award Champions, with an average GPA of 3.827 in 2023.

Norton’s team emphasis

Norton emphasizes family and team culture. He relies on these key factors to run his team. Building culture and chemistry creates not only a connection that is hard to come by in everyday life but also serves to strengthen the group consensus of winning another national championship.

The fuel for Norton’s goals are his drive and work ethic. Each woman that is recruited comes in intending to be the best. Norton is the man that gives them the proper tools to be successful. Whether the wrestler’s role is to support their teammates or be in the starting lineup, Norton makes sure every athlete knows their value.

Norton’s biggest strength is his belief in his team. The team had doubts after their loss to King University at National Duals in 2023. Norton built them back up by pushing them to their full potential, past what they thought was possible. Though his strategies may seem simple in comparison to other programs, the results speak for themselves. At the 2024 national tournament, the NCC women’s wrestling team was the only team that put a woman in the top four podium positions at all ten weight classes.

The key ingredient

Coach Norton also has connections. He is an NCC alum, a notable advantage that he uses to help his wrestlers. Whether it is a tutor or a specialist, Norton is able to get his wrestlers the help they need.

Coach Norton is unique in the fact that he makes himself available to his wrestlers. He takes up the position of mentor and sounding board when there are issues among the women on the team. Regardless of the time of day, Coach Norton is available to his wrestlers who can always reach him. He finds solutions and is able to put them at ease until a face-to-face meeting can be scheduled.

Many doubt Norton’s ability to build his team year after year. Yet every year he comes back with a new group of recruits hungrier to take on the challenges of NCAA women’s wrestling than the last. Some question his coaching style due to the fact that many other programs are more harsh on their wrestlers, but Norton knows how to push his wrestlers to their full potential.

Coach Norton’s levelheadedness and ability to put the team’s best interest at the forefront of his decisions are what set him above the field. Some may call him cold hearted for taking emotions out of his decision making process, but the Cardinal’s success speaks for itself.

Coach Norton’s passion and determination shines through in the way he takes care of his team. He created an excellent winning strategy, work ethic and culture over the years. All of these aspects contribute to his success as a coach and role model. They also speak to why he has been so influential in the growth of women’s wrestling in the Midwest.


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