NCC makes CampusClear app available to students


As NCC transitions into the fall semester, the school has strived to keep its students safe. The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in many changes and procedures. One of the most recent additions was the option to download the CampusClear app.

On Aug. 18, President Hammond sent out an email with information regarding CampusClear. The app emphasizes a daily screening of the user, who can put in their daily symptoms. These are recorded to the campus, so health officials can respond to potential early signs of COVID-19.

The email breaks down the process of how students can use the app efficiently. The user follows a link to download the app. Then the app will send a daily notification reminding the user to input their daily symptoms. If the student using the app has no symptoms, they’ll simply click the “No Symptoms” option.

There’s a multitude of symptoms on the app, including “new loss of taste or smell,” “sore throat” and “new headache.” The app will prompt the user with additional steps for their health should they have a new symptom. If a user has COVID-19 or seems to have COVID-19, CampusClear will prompt the user to sign NCC’s COVID-19 Reporting Form.

CampusClear is meant to make screening easy for users. It also provides valuable information for medical administrators in the Dyson Wellness Center. If there are any trends in symptoms, NCC will be able to react to it and also initiate more safety protocols.

What students are saying about CampusClear

“I believe that the CampusClear app, if used regularly and honestly, would be a great tool for students to detect any symptoms early on so that they may quarantine or get help as needed,” said Sabha Fatima, ’24.

She also encourages all NCC students to download the app if they haven’t already. “To students who have not yet used the app: download it right away! You only have to answer one question per day, but this could help keep you, and others on campus, safe from COVID-19,” said Fatima.

Not every student believes the app is entirely useful. There’s argument that the data tracking may not be completely accurate due to user error.

“I think the app is useful to some extent when it comes to keeping track of symptoms and who’s sick, but a lot of people can lie as well since the app only prompts you to enter your current symptoms for the day,” said Meri Nushi, ’23. “Someone might think their symptoms are nothing and enter ‘no symptoms’ when they’re actually having them.”

She also discussed other things campus should be encouraging. “I think there should be other measures in place, like for example measuring the temperature of each student that enters class.”

Jamie Porter, ’22, said that the app should be communicated in a different way. “I personally don’t look at my email a whole lot, I think a more efficient way would be to text students about it. That way they can be more responsive.” Students may be more inclined to download the app from a link via text versus a long worded email.

CampusClear is just another addition to a plethora of procedures NCC has placed. The school’s ultimate goal is to keep campus safe and COVID-free; CampusClear could end up being a key factor in the success of that mission.


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