

With 2016 bringing in the new trends #wastehistime2016 and #wastehertime2016, let’s take a look into how students #WasteNorthCentral’sTime.

One way to #WasteNorthCentral’sTime is to skip class and some students take advantage more often than others.

“I skip once every three weeks, depending on what’s going on,” said freshman Hailey Hartmann.

However Samantha Casey, a senior, said she skips each class “once or twice per term.” For seniors, it becomes more crucial to attend classes in order to get the last bit of credit for graduation. However, it may be deemed necessary due to the stress of 400-level classes.

“Sometimes you just need a personal day,” said Casey.

With the countless things that could be done when skipping class, the most popular activity seems to be sleeping.

“All of my classes are in the morning, so I usually sleep,” said Hartmann.

When skipping, letting a professor know what happened could keep students out of trouble, or at least keep the professors a little less unhappy.

“I always email (the professors) and let them know,” said Hartmann. “I tell them what I’ll do to get the notes.”

Since the majority of professors require attendance to be part of the overall grade, students will show up every now and then, but that’s not to say that there are not other ways to waste class time.

“I doodle, or I get on my phone when I’m not supposed to,” said Casey.

Wasting class time at NCC is not uncommon, but it’s not frequent either. The responsibilities and adult behaviors that develop overtime achieve the value of coming to class even when it seems pointless. But there is still something to be said about students cracking from under the pressure and taking one day off at a time. So, are we truly “wasting” North Central’s time or are we using it more creatively to our advantage?


About Author

Anthony La Parry is a Contributing Writer for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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