Browsing: News
Cook County soda tax canned
After more than two months of public backlash, the Cook County soda tax has been…
Homecoming 2017: It’s a wrap
Homecoming Weekend 2017 included a few firsts: the first on-campus reunion for Shimer College, the…
Homecoming 2017: Photos from Day 1
It’s the faces we see at Homecoming Weekend that make this weekend like no other…
Weekend Update: rain, rain and more rain
Campus News As much as 4.5 inches of rain fell on North Central over the…
Visiting professor talks patriarchy – from a man’s perspective
Speaking to a near-capacity lecture hall filled with students and faculty alike, Dr. Robert Jensen…
Fulbright scholar Hikaru Kobayashi lends climate change expertise
Since 1999, North Central College has partaken in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Created by William…
Top topics from the Week 4 SGA meeting
What even happens at SGA meetings? No idea? Well, lucky for you, we here at…
National Taco Day: taco dogs and … hot dogs?
This year, National Taco Day fell on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Surprisingly, several North Central College…