Relay for Life: the power of purple


Robert S. Tomaszewski

On Friday, April 25 volunteers tirelessly prepared for Relay for Life adorning Res/Rec in purple decor. Relay for Life is a fundraiser lasting 12 hours from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am where students raise money for the American Cancer Society by walking around the Res/Rec track.

Participants in the relay not only walked, but took part in whiffle ball, karaoke and pie-eating contests.

This fundraiser for the American Cancer Society has been a tradition since 1986. North Central has hosted the event for the last 11 years.  The relay kicked off with a speech from the College’s vice president of student affairs and dean of students, Kimberly Sluis. She explained some of the origins of Relay for Life and her pride in community participation.

relayforlife1Following the speech was a Survivor Lap to celebrate those who are fighting or have beaten cancer. There were several ceremonies including the Luminaria Ceremony where participants circled the track in the dark in remembrance of those who fought cancer and lost.

There was a sizeable campus involvement. NCC student organizations and sports teams made up the majority of the 28 total relay teams.

One of the groups, I Wear Pink For Shellie, not only was adorned in pink, but also sold baked goods to raise additional funds. According to Ikea Mosby, a member of the group, they are 15 members strong and part of the reason behind the bake sale is that Shellie “loves baking.”

“I got a lot of the girls on my floor to walk and show support, said Jessie Eastman whose mother, Shellie Eastman, was diagnosed last year with breast cancer.

She called the relay, “a cool way to get involved on campus.”  One of the many takeaways from this event is that cancer affects all of us, even if we don’t have it.


About Author

Bob Tomaszewski is the Forum Editor for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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