Chaplain creates a nice environment


Stephanie Passialis
Contributing Writer

This term, North Central College eagerly welcomes its new campus chaplain, Rev. Eric Doolittle, with open and loving arms.

Originally born and raised in East Tennessee, Doolittle went on to receive a Bachelor of Sacred Music at Illinois Wesleyan University and a Masters in Divinity at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Since then he has worked for ten years in campus ministry at Hiwassee College, Lincoln Memorial University, and Georgetown Law School. This year he avidly begins his journey at North Central.

While the infamous biting cold of Chicago certainly did not attract our new chaplain to this location, he explained that the presence of friends and family in Illinois, as well as the genial reputation of North Central College drew him to this wonderful opportunity.

“Once I came onto campus and met the team I’d be working with,” Dolittle said, “I told myself this is definitely what God wants me to be doing – to be part of this family.”

As the chaplain, Rev. Doolittle works with local churches in the Naperville area as an ambassador of the college. In addition, he helps organize and run student groups such as the Methodist Student Organization as well as Voices of Praise. At the end of the day, however, he emphasizes the crucial importance of connecting with individuals on and off campus.

“Unofficially, my job is to drink coffee and talk with people,” he explains. “My job is to connect with people, and that happens during those informal conversations. My guiding principal in that of the chaplain’s job, ultimately, is to work on the spiritual wellness of the folks here at NCC-students, faculty, and staff.”

While the short term goal is to connect and care for the students of North Central, the long term goal is to then celebrate and embrace the institute’s primarily Methodist heritage. He explains that by appreciating and supporting each individual on campus, as well as commemorating our college’s heritage, he may aid the growth of our own personal beliefs, help us to understand one another, and, thus, celebrate the diversity of the community overall.

In order to reach this objective, Rev. Doolittle has established #FreeCoffeeFriday on Twitter, where he invites the students, faculty, and staff of North Central to join him at the Boilerhouse on Friday from 8-10:00 a.m., coffee mug in-hand, for a free cup of coffee and some stirring, casual conversation. Follow him at @nccchaplain to receive the latest updates and news from our most recent addition to the NCC community.


About Author

Stephanie Passialis is a Contributing Writer for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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