Apartment life


Jordan Bolker
Staff Writer

As college students, it’s hard enough living in a North Central College dorm without the nurturing care of our parents. But when we finally get our own apartment, we must adjust even more by making the place our own. From food, to furniture, to accessorizing, to creating the ultimate crash pad: here are some tips on getting started.

1.  Finding furniture is one of the most important things to consider for your new apartment. The first thing people are going to want to see is where you go to binge-watch The Big Bang Theory. Inspect the apartment firsthand then strategize which space will be the dining area, and which will be the living room. Check out local garage sales or hunt around Big Lots for good quality couches, tables, and chairs. Discuss bedroom and bathroom sharing, as well as how much furniture each roommate should bring. Whether it’s hand-me-down reclining chairs or Amish kitchen tables, you should make your apartment feel like a home and not just an empty two-bedroom complex.

2.  Food is life. In order to survive living in an apartment, break away from the typical microwave meals and learn to cook. Start out by tuning in to the Food Network channel twice a week, and search for quick and easy recipes online. Once you are ready to get messy in the kitchen, go to Kohl’s, Target, or Bath Bath & Beyond and purchase some good-priced cookware. In no time, your roommates will be looking forward to your cooking every weekend. For fun and easy recipes to start with check out the links on our website, NCCLinked.com.

3.  Accessorizing your apartment makes the building look more cozy and inviting to your peers. One of the most popular items used to decorate an apartment is wall art. Find one with your favorite quote, or one that represents your favorite sports team and hang them up with Command strips. Or just stop at Walmart and pick up a few traditional posters to express your personality around the apartment. Not a fan of wall art? Line up the walls with bookshelves, fill it up with books and movies and create your own library.


About Author

Jordan Bolker is the current Forum/Opinion Editor of the Chronicle/NCClinked. She is a junior at North Central College. She is a journalism major and is hoping to become an investigative journalist.

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