Trivia Crack: Destructive or Productive?


Bob Tomaszewski
Staff Writer

Although it was released late Oct. of 2013, Trivia Crack has attracted attention for ruining friendships. Senior Mallory Scalzo has been playing Trivia Crack for about three months and she says she plays “Anytime I am challenged, anytime it’s my turn, so several times a day.”

Freshman Davonte Sanders who has been playing Trivia Crack, says he plays “about an hour a day.”

Freshman Justin Straw who has been playing Trivia Crack for around a week was spending 30 minutes to an hour playing Trivia Crack throughout the day.

Is playing Trivia Crack beneficial? Scalzo says “I don’t think it’s beneficial or harmful. Its just a stupid thing, the newest app that will fade away with time once everyone gets sick of it.”

Straw is one of those who have tired the game saying that “the questions are too repetitive.”

Scalzo recommends Trivia Crack but sees it as more of an entertainment option “to see how good you are at guessing.” She adds, “It’s a fun little app to do.”

How addictive is Trivia Crack? “Unless the app literally supplied you with crack, like cocaine, I don’t think people will like this app for much longer.” Scalzo says.

Straw says, “I was kind of addicted to [Trivia Crack] the first week I was playing, but now I’ve kind of stopped.”

Sanders says, “I see people playing during classes.” Which he wishes people wouldn’t do.

Students that were interviewed did not cheat on the app and cited the 30-second timer as the main deterrent. Scalzo says “its not worth it.”

Although students denied cheating, they state that “It tears friendships apart,” according to Scalzo who always wins against her roommate. When she wins her roommate sometimes “stops talking to her” or will call her “really mean names.”

Are people learning from Trivia Crack? Sort of. Some say it is educational. “I would say it is, a lot of the questions are not useful, but some of them, you can learn stuff from,” Straw comments.

“I see some of the questions are educational like you find out something you didn’t know about certain aspects of the world,” Sanders said.

In one instance the information on Trivia Crack was not correct according to Sanders, “They have wrong answers sometimes. I got one question that said ‘Which rapper lived on Holly Grove?’ and I picked Little Wayne and the answer was 50 Cent and I was highly upset.”


About Author

Bob Tomaszewski is the Forum Editor for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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