What we can learn from graffiti artist Banksy


Famous graffiti artist Banksy has just released four new works of art around the Gaza Strip, an area which is being rebuilt after years of heavy fighting. For those unfamiliar with Banksy, he is a political activist and artist from Britain who has art pieces all over Europe.

While I do not advocate vandalism of any kind, art in public places is powerful, as it gives an unspoken voice to the inhabitants of the area.

Banksy has attracted crowds of spectators at the four locations in Gaza. One particular piece I have found interesting was the image of an Israeli Guard Tower adapted as an amusement swing ride, showing joy in the face of violence almost in protest to Israel’s questionable defense strategies. In the violence leading up to the cease fire, approximately 500 children were killed in the 50-day conflict between Palestinians and the Israeli military this past summer, although it depends upon who you ask. Children make up almost a quarter of the Palestinian dead in the conflict.

Regardless of who fired the first shot or who is to blame or any biases in this article, Banksy’s piece speaks to the innocence of children who are swept up in Middle Eastern conflict. Although the children are circling the tower, the fact that it is a guard tower implies that they are under Israeli military watch.

No one is allowed to enter or leave the Gaza Strip, and this piece captures this. Since the bombing during the fifty-day conflict no concrete has been allowed to enter the area. It shows suffering at the hands of extreme paranoia. Banksy released a film showing off his art around Gaza and explained that he had to get into the area through a network of tunnels. His video is a travel advertisement parody with a very serious undertone. What kind of people are going to emerge growing up in the Gaza Strip?

Another of his Gaza pieces is of a cat playing with yarn. In Banksy’s video a man comments are translated to “The cat found something to play with, but what about our children?” As usual, Bansky’s work is more than just gang territorial markings under a bridge. The location he choose, the time, and current politics all give plenty of context to Banksy’s work.


About Author

Bob Tomaszewski is the Forum Editor for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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