Black Friday survival guide


Whenever you turn on your TV or open your laptop, expect to find numerous holiday season advertisements. Newsflash: Black Friday shopping is almost here. It is the most popular time of the year to bargain shop. However, this major shopping day can also get crazy. Before you mark your calendars, here are five survival rules to stay intact during your shopping adventures. 

  • Arrive early to your destination

The day of Black Friday, you want to make sure that you arrive at your destination an hour or two before the store opens. This is also a great way to see which stores have less people waiting because the fewer people, the higher chance of snagging everything you want on your shopping list.

  • Always ask for discounts

There is no harm in asking an employee for discounts or looking online or in the newspapers. Receiving a buy-three-get-one-free deal is always worth the extra effort. Remember that discounts are your best friend when shopping on Black Friday.

  • Stick to your shopping list

Before you go shopping, write a list of all the items you want to purchase. Knowing your budget is essential to a successful shopping spree. Once you finish writing your shopping list, and have an idea of what your budget is going to be, make sure you commit to buying only what’s on your list. This is going to be a challenge, but by sticking to your shopping list, your bank account will thank you.

  • Be nice

Black Friday is crazy. As a matter of fact, you may find yourself in an argument with another shopper at least once throughout your trip. We have all heard holiday shopping horror stories of children getting lost and trampled by large ladies who don’t have patience. It is important to keep in mind that other shoppers are going to be aggressive. Because of this, it is always helpful to be nice shopper. Also, be kind to the cashiers and other employees. If it weren’t for them, you wouldn’t even have the chance to shop.

  • Quality over price

Often times, shoppers focus on buying things that are cheaper. However, what matters the most is the quality of what you are going to buy. For example, it is better to buy a pair of boots of good quality for $200 than buying a cheaper pair of boots that aren’t going to last for a long time. Sometimes it isn’t even worth settling for cheaper prices if the quality isn’t durable. Therefore, always keep in mind that quality is key to having long-lasting materials.

Just a tip: If your Black Friday plans fall through, stay home and prepare yourself for Cyber Monday 

Check out what NCC students have to say 

EmilyAlaimo18- Stella Go(fixed)



Emily Alaimo (’18): My number one survival rule would be to be nice to other shoppers. I don’t think that old ladies should be punched in the face over cheap towels. 



Photo by Stella Marie Go Fanega

Photo by Stella Marie Go Fanega



Kelly Barber (’17): (Have a) coffee in hand and prepare to deal with ruthless shoppers.


About Author

Stella Marie Go Fanega is a Contributing Writer for the Chronicle/NCCLinked.

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