New parking lot? Same old problems



As a North Central commuter student, I can attest to the struggle of searching everywhere, through every lot, for a parking spot, only to be let down and find out that there are none; that I had just wasted the valuable time I needed to get to class. To throw it into a simple phrase: parking at North Central is extremely annoying.

For the 2016-2017 school year, I really danced around with the idea of not even getting a parking pass, since last year it didn’t help me out at all. In the end, I did end up purchasing one, and still find myself unable to find any parking unless I circle a lot for 20 minutes playing musical chairs with whoever leaves next.

If you are a NCC commuter and haven’t been forced to park in the surrounding neighborhood on the street, at one of the two parking garages in downtown Naperville or somewhere even further, then consider yourself lucky. For most of us, those things are an everyday by Emily Arias
But, then I heard something that could change the whole parking game: North Central is (almost) getting a new parking lot.

Jordan Newcomer, Parking and Transportation Coordinator at North Central, spoke with me about what we can expect from this new parking lot. Before you get too excited, and actually consider purchasing a parking pass, the lot is still seeking approval from the City of Naperville before any type of construction can begin. However, once they do get approval, the project will begin immediately.

According to Newcomer, the lot will have 52 stalls and be located directly south of Oliver Hall (or WONC), near the intersection of Brainard Street and Chicago Avenue. Three garages are to be removed to make way for the lot. It may be news to you that the planned spot is currently home to the student garden on campus, but don’t worry, the garden will be “reconfigurated” and keep our student farmers hard at work.

“The college continually looks for opportunities to manage and provide parking on campus. This new parking lot on campus will help to offer additional convenient on-site daily parking,” said Newcomer on what led the college into getting a new lot.

Of course, 52 new spots to park will definitely help out a small chunk of us commuters, but it still won’t solve the overall crisis. One small step for commuter students, one giant leap for North Central.

You know what I think about the proposed lot, but what do other students at NCC think?

Eftihia Peroulas, a junior at NCC, was very passionate about the news of a new lot, hoping that it wouldn’t disrupt the garden that the college is so proud of.

“The parking situation sucks really bad. It took me at least 15 minutes to find parking, but I gave up my parking pass this year,” said Peroulas.

She wasn’t the only commuter student who opted out of getting a parking pass this year for the same problem. Bri Andrade, a senior at NCC, could never find parking in any of the lots. She felt that it’s “about time” there is something done to correct the parking crisis after her past years of irritation.

It’s hard to say whether or not this new lot will do anything to help the commuters, but at least the college recognizes the problem, is being proactive and creating change.

I would say to check out the North Central College website under “parking for commuter students” to see where to park in the meantime, however, the page doesn’t exist right now; a true testament to the subject of this article.


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