Chaos, the law-and-order candidate


Donald Trump may arguably have a great campaign strategy. The only problem is determining which actions or words are part of this strategy, and which are pure chaos.

The element of Chaos is apparent in the way Trump disrupted the GOP with insults and radical views, but those actions were not strategic. Interrupting the other candidates, disrupting the status quo, and establishing himself far from the moderate worked well for Trump in the beginning, but is no longer proving effective for his campaign. His continuation of these practices, despite their apparent failure, leads to a firm conclusion that they were not strategically orchestrated, but rather are the ramblings of a chaotic individual.

Professor Stephen Maynard Caliendo recently said that it (Trump’s strategy) was harder to judge at the early Republican debate because there were so many people on stage. Trump’s appeal has been concentrated on the alt-right while demonizing other voter populations.

Caliendo asked: “How can he look moderate voters in the eye and moderate Republican voters in the eye and even right-leaning Democrats in the eye and I think it’s fair to ask that question of someone who has never run for political office.”

Caliendo said that he believes that Trump so far is more chaos than calculation; the debate provided evidence for this, with Trump constantly interrupting Hillary Clinton. It seems chaos is his mode of operation, instead of “law and order” as he talked about during the first debate. Trump even took a chaotic approach to courting the African-American vote at one point, asking “What do you have to lose?”

Wikileaks has gone after Clinton for much of the campaign and still Trump’s negativity soaks the news cycle. In a recent email chain, Pablo Manrique, formerly of the Democratic National Committee, complained to peers: “Dear CNN, Pls have Trump call-in and set the news cycle against us instead, per usual.” The Trump campaign has a good media strategy. Trump himself is chaotic.

The Trump campaign has had its own chaos to deal with after firing Corey Lewandowski in July. Trump told Bill O’Reilly: “He did a great job. But we’re gonna go little bit of a different route.”

Trump is chaotic in the way he talks about the state of the nation and how it needs to be made great again. “America’s police and law enforcement personnel are what separates civilization from total chaos and the destruction of our country as we know it,” Trump told a Virginia Beach audience.

One election is what separates America from total chaos.


About Author

Bob Tomaszewski is the Forum Editor for the Chronicle/NCClinked.

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