Mic Drop: Alex Smith


This week’s Mic Drop features Alex Smith, a singer from Dwight, Ill. Smith is currently a senior at North Central College studying psychology. She is both a signed country artist and a singer in a hip-hop band. Aside from singing, Smith spends her time with her cat, Merlot.

Stella Fanega: When and why did you start singing?

Alex Smith: I started singing as soon as I could talk. I sang for the first time on stage when I was 3 because my cousin was doing it so I decided I had to also. I think I started singing because my parents and grandpa always sang to me when I was little.

SF: If you had the opportunity to meet one of your favorite artists, who would it be and why?

AS: If I could meet one artist it would probably be Keith Urban because he has an Australian accent and I think it’s adorable.

SF: What is the most important thing about being in the music industry?

AS: The most important thing about being in the music industry is to stay humble. There will always be people telling you they love your sound and your music but I think it is really important to remember why you do it and not let the praise get to your head.

SF: Who motivates/inspires you the most to continue singing?

AS: My parents and grandparents inspire me the most. They are always so supportive and have always believed in me.

SF: What is one lesson you have learned as a singer?

AS: One lesson I learned as a singer is to be able to accept constructive criticism. It is never easy when you pour your heart into something and then someone critiques it but it really does help you become a better musician.

SF: What advice would you give to someone who loves to sing?

AS: If I could give advice to someone who loves to sing it would be to not lose sight of who you are and why you love to sing. There will always be people saying you’re amazing and there will always be people saying you suck, just ignore all of that and remember you sing for yourself and because you love it, not for anyone else’s approval.

Smith will be teaming up with guitarist Ryan Kelsey for their performance tonight at 8 p.m., on Facebook Live.


About Author

Stella Marie Go Fanega is a Contributing Writer for the Chronicle/NCCLinked.

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