Students share New Year’s resolutions


If you weren’t awake to watch the ball drop in New York City, you probably found out it was 2019 by the #newyearnewme trending on Instagram. With the new year comes new hopes and goals, more famously known as New Year’s Resolutions.

According to Forbes, roughly 40 percent of Americans make a resolution. Among them, the most popular is to eat healthier, work out more, and save money. However, only 8 percent of these people will achieve their goal.

Are NCC students above average at keeping their resolutions and achieving their goals? Reese Richardson, ‘19, said that he has no choice but to keep up with his.

“I’m entering what is probably the hardest term of my undergraduate career and I really cannot afford to have any slip-up,” said Richardson.

For him, that means trying not to fall asleep in class and actually showing up for his classes to achieve his resolution of being a better student in preparation for graduate school. “By February, I’ll probably be dead inside, but I think it will be so engraved that I will have formed a habit by then and I can power through it.”

Laura Seiberlich, ‘20, said having a person to hold you accountable is helpful in keeping up with New Year’s resolutions.

“My boyfriend asks me every night if I’ve been doing my resolution,” said Seiberlich, which for Seiberlich is to pray more. “I bought a new journal and I’ve been doing it every night.” Seiberlich feels confident that she will continue to keep up with her resolution.

Other students like Adelina Ciccone, ‘19, don’t make New Year’s resolutions because of the commitment and pressure that come with them.

“I don’t have New Year’s resolutions. I just don’t believe in them. I feel like it puts too much pressure on making a change you want to make in yourself making that change harder to achieve,” said Ciccone. “Minor changes throughout the year make a bigger difference than just doing a whole bunch at the beginning of the year.”

If you make a resolution that’s achievable and personable, it can be a fresh start for the new year and a new you.


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