TEDx at NCC explores virtues and vices


In its fifth year, TEDx at NCC isn’t asking an easy question for its speakers. With a theme going as deep as to consider acquiescence and the unattainable, these orators must dig deep and consider how their journey relates to Virtue or Vice.

TEDx first came to campus in 2015 to ask speakers to promote social change and share innovative, high impact ideas. Alumni spoke for 12 minutes and students three minutes. This year, however, there will be a mixture of three, six, nine and 12-minute talks, said Jeremy Gudauskas, co-director of The Center for Social Impact.

Moreover, the goal for these events is to promote learning from conversation amongst local communities. The hope is that these ideas become contagious. While this event was originally titled TEDxNorthCentralCollege in 2015, it is independently organized and hosted by NCC’s Leadership, Ethics and Values program and the Student Affairs department.

Although TEDx is not directly affiliated with TED Talks, the nonprofit foundation gave North Central, as well as hundreds of other institutions around the globe, permission to replicate its format and promote ideas worth sharing.

This year’s speakers represent the following staff, alumni and current NCC students: Lyndsay Hartman, ’19, Tyler Jones, ’20, Dr. Jennifer Shah, Etienne Mashuli, ’13, Rev. Eric Doolittle, Nancy Guzman, ’14/’19, and Esther Benjamin, ’90.

The event occurs Friday, Sept. 27 at 4:09 p.m. in Larrance Academic Center. There will be an after-party and a concert after the event at 7 p.m.

For information on the event, ticket sales and the speakers, visit TEDx North Central College.


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