The routine starts once more


The alarm sounds again. She opens her eyes to pure darkness around her, turns around to shut off the loud and obnoxious sound coming out of that box that reads 4 a.m. Once her feet touch the floor her daily routine begins again.

Maria or as her family and friends call her Mari, has lived in Aurora, Illinois for more than 30 years. Here she has raised her three children and has worked hard to provide for them.

Today she goes to work at the same warehouse once again, Brighton Best International. She goes in with a good attitude even in the worst weather conditions. This says a lot about her because she does not enjoy driving.

As she begins to drive, she looks at the rosary hanging from her rearview mirror and prays to God for the protection of her family as well as a safe return. Again she passes by the same lights, train tracks and small lakes where she likes to walk during her breaks.

She can’t avoid comparing all of this to her small town of Ziquitaro, Michoacán, where she grew up and visits every year as a way to not forget her roots. Her life was less stressful because of the many dances she attended when she was younger and the time she got to spend with her parents.

Soon after she enters through the green door from the warehouse she is greeted with, “Buenos días” and a friendly smile from her coworkers. Mari has created long-lasting friendships with coworkers that have gotten to know her very well.

“We have been friends and coworkers for five years now and we always talk and try to have a nice time at work. I only remember once that we got upset with each other but it did not last long. We made up that same day,” said Carmen Hernandez, a really good friend she’s worked with for years.

Now, Mari is at her work station. From her table, you can see most of the warehouse with all of its lights on. Passing by are forklift drivers carrying pounds of bolts and screws. Before she starts to work she makes sure to finish her coffee and bread, her fuel for the morning. Then you can begin to hear Spanish music coming out of a small, rounded radio that Mari turns on before she begins to work.

Through the day she has to pack heavy, oily and dirty boxes filled with screws. At times she gets tired and if she feels some type of pain she keeps medicine to help her get through her day. Since most of what she does is heavy you can see how at times she has to take out her forearm exercise tool to help her with her wrist pain.

“When she is given any type of work, Mari gets it done on time. I can tell when she is in a good mood as well as when she is friendly, but I can also recognize when she is upset by her gestures. If she is not happy with something she makes it show,” said Rene Hernandez, her boss.

At work, she is respected by her supervisors and coworkers. Mari is the type of person that will defend herself from anybody that wants to take advantage of her. She is a strong-willed woman that is not afraid of making her voice be heard.

While she works several of her coworkers come to visit and share a laugh with her. She is friendly and open with her friends like Consuelo Barragan.

“I remember going to her house and she was kind but did not let me use her restroom.”

Consuelo found this hilarious and says that this explains Mari well. She is a private person and also has a unique sense of humor.

Mari now looks over to the clock on the wall that reads 5 p.m. and finds the feeling of relief for finally getting to go home to her family.

At home her time there is quickly interrupted by the sound of the obnoxious alarm that sounds once again.


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