Meal plan update and dining service changes


NCC’s meal plan restrictions set at the beginning of the fall semester has seen updates and changes.

Student dining committee

In order to provide the best dining experience possible for the student body, Chartwells is introducing a Dining Committee. This committee will allow students to provide feedback about the quality of dining services. Students that join this committee will suggest dining improvements, give feedback on dining service changes and meet with dining directors and chefs.

Meal plan structure ideas

The meal plan update ideas include the All-Access Plan and Block Plan. The other options are the Larger Weekly Meal Plan and the Smaller Weekly Meal Plan. These plans’ prices are being determined. Firstly, the All-Access Plan is designed with more swipes for students to dine at Kaufman and provide bonus bucks for use at other locations. Secondly, the Larger Weekly Meal Plan and Smaller Weekly Meal Plan allow a certain number of weekly swipes for use at Kaufman. They both provide more bonus bucks for use at other locations on campus. The Smaller Weekly Plan has less bonus bucks. Finally, the Block Plan provides swipes and bonus bucks for use at any location around campus.

“In response to current meal plan structure concerns, NCC is brainstorming different meal plans that allow for more financial, dietary, and overall meal flexibility,” says Mikel L. Mays, President of the Student Governing Association, in an email to the student body on Nov. 14.

Dining action plan

Chartwells is implementing improvements based on feedback provided by students during the Town Hall meeting. These improvements include changes to the food quality at Kaufman and the range of options for those with dietary restrictions. There are more opportunities for students to provide feedback in the works. Finally, Chartwells is working on implementing late night dining hours and meal plan changes as well.


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