Campus Climate Survey results show room for improvement


NCC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force (DEI) held a Campus Climate Survey Forum on Nov. 4. They discussed the results of the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) Diversity and Equity Climate Survey and focus groups that were administered last year. The mood during the presentation was notably very somber. The DEI Task Force put in a considerable amount of effort. However, applause for their hard work did not seem appropriate when they were presenting negative results. 

Survey discussion

The DEI Task Force began developing this survey in 2019. The version administered included questions regarding student athlete experiences and more open-ended questions than the original. Various members of the campus community attended the presentation, including students, staff and administration.

The survey found that students were overall pleased with the campus community and felt a sense of belonging. However, breaking down the data showed that nonwhite students felt significantly less satisfied than white students.

Additionally, members of the faculty reported the most dissatisfaction with the campus community and sense of belonging, among other things. Only 20% of faculty and staff thought the environment was free from tension.

[The experience was] shocking and alarming, but getting to the nitty-gritty of our campus climate was rewarding because we’re on the verge of solving them” said Khadeil Ergas, a graduate assistant for the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

Focus group results

The focus groups offered a glimpse into the experiences behind the data. 64 students from ten groups on campus participated in these sessions. Although these groups represented a lot of the campus, some groups chose not to participate because they

Results showed that students appreciated when professors made an effort to speak to their class about White privilege and current events in the world.

The leaders of the focus groups will continue to examine the conversations. They will look for the theme of ignorance, exclusion and neglect next. In addition, with certain restrictions from HEDS, the survey proctors look forward to studying the disaggregated data more closely. They hope to see how campus members’ experiences differ based on race and ethnicity.

Inclusive campus

Attendees offered suggestions for how to make the campus more inclusive and create a better sense of belonging for students during the second half of the event. They split up into four groups based on interest in groups on campus including students, student athletes, staff and faculty.

“The Campus Climate presentation and focus groups allowed me the opportunity to hear from different constituency groups I hadn’t spoken with before, and overall increased my awareness on how I as an individual and participant in NCC’s culture can improve the experience of all students, faculty, and staff member to create a more welcoming, empowering, and inclusive campus,” said Emily Vickers, ’22.

The suggestions made will help NCC create the more inclusive and diverse campus they have committed to fostering.

Future presentations of results

The Student Governing Association (SGA) also included a presentation on the Climate Survey during their meeting on Nov. 8 at 5:30 p.m. SGA meetings occur biweekly in the Wentz Science Center (WSC) room 368. At these meetings, students have the opportunity to voice concerns and feedback about how the college can improve.

In addition, another forum takes place in Stevenson Hall on Dec. 2, from 11:40 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Stevenson Hall is a large conference room on the second floor of WSC. Registration for this second forum is expected to open up in mid-November.

Both will be opportunities to hear results from the survey and offer feedback. The information will also be presented to the Board of Trustees and any other interested groups.


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